Unit 2

We use there is (singular) / there are (plural) to say that sth is located in the place or exists:
e.g. There is a book on the desk. / There are manybooks on the shelf.
We use there isn’t (singular) / there aren’t (plural) to say that sth isn’t located in the place or doesn’t exist:
e.g. There isn’t a book on the desk. / There aren’t any books on the shelf.
We use Is there…? (singular) / Are there...? (plural)  to ask whether sth is located in the place or exists:
e.g. Is there a book on the desk? / Are there any books on the shelf?


We use A or AN with singular nouns.
A is used when a noun starts with a consonant sound;
e.g. a dog, a book, etc.
AN is used when a noun starts with a vowel sound;

e.g. an apple, an hour, etc.
We use SOME with countable nouns (only with their plural) and with uncountable nouns.
SOME is used in:
* positive sentences;
e.g. I have got some time.
* questions, expressing requests and offers;
e.g. Would you like some tea?
        Can I have some biscuits?
We use ANY with countable nouns (only with their plural) and with uncountable nouns.
ANY is used in:
* negative sentences;
e.g. I haven‘t got any time.  
* general questions;
e.g. Have you got any sisters?
      Is there any tea left?



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